Banfi Piemonte

Principessa Gavia Gavi - 2022, 12%

grape icon 100% Cortese
Intensity: 3

THE LEGEND OF PRINCIPESSA GAVIA A princess named Gavia fell in love with a handsome man who served as a guard in her father's court. The couple sought the king's permission to marry, but he refused to have his daughter wed out of her class. Desperate, the young couple fled to a distant part of the kingdom and settled in a sleepy village on the other side of the alps. They eluded the king's troops until one night, after enjoying a generous amount of a local white wine, the groom confided their story to the local innkeeper. The innkeeper nodded and feigned sympathy, but sent word to the king and collected a handsome reward. Troops found the couple and brought them back to the king to face punishment. The King looked into his daughter's eyes and could not help but forgive her. He blessed their union, and as a wedding gift, bequeathed them the town which they had chosen to settle in. In her honor he gave the name Gavi to the town as well as the charming white wine they drank. Pale straw in color and an intense, fresh and fruity bouquet, with hints of pineapple and green apple. Crisp with gentle acidity and a dry, balanced aftertaste

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